About KTTLegacy

IN EACH & EVERY KTTLegacy COLLECTION We strive to provide unique, trendy, stylish & indeed useful products. Items which are "gift-able" & suitable for any occasion or celebration. Our first available collections on this site are geared towards easing life in lockdown.


Check out our ABOUT page for more overall information in the drop-down menu in the top left corner of the home page.


Also be sure to find out more information about our many new collections coming soon. Some of them have recently been made available, including our hotly anticipated Official Robin Gibb Commemorative Collection, the only one of its kind, which can also be found on our drop-down menu in the top left corner.




At KTT LEGACY ( kttlegacy.com) our fulfilment team will process your order within 1-2 business days. Shipping hold-ups due to the spread of the terrible COVID-19 virus & the subsequent  pandemic, are bound to occur, so please expect to receive orders of our non-brand named products within around 7-20 business days (at most 30 days) depending on the product and where it is shipped from, as we have sources all over the world, having searched for only the best in quality and affordability. However, all of our Gibb's Own, Legacy by KTT brand-named product ranges, such as BUNNERATION NATION, DUK E. DUCK, BODDING, as well as all of our LEGACY PROJECT Merchandise, will be shipped to you within 2-7 days depending on location (US is average 3-4 days, Europe and the UK about 5-7 days). After this terrible COVID-19 pandemic dies down and some semblance of normality returns to commerce and society in general, we will be able to offer express delivery on all options & we are now working hard to make express delivery available for most, if not all, of our brand-named LEGACY by KTT products despite the global pandemic’s prevailing conditions.

 Bear in mind all products marked as such are shipped to your door absolutely free of charge.


We want you to know that though everyone's experience is of course different, a lot of us at KTT have either experienced loss personally &/or know someone who has experienced the loss of someone very dear to them, we will be just as happy as you when the world is rid of this terrible pandemic.

 Until then, we wish all of you & your loved ones safety, good health, & happiness.


With warmest regards,




- The KTT LEGACY Team -